“Social Distancing” Is A Good Time For Practicing Spiritual Connectedness

Georgia Carbone
2 min readAug 19, 2020

First published March 13, 2020 on elephantjournal.com

Our Earth is dying. The leaders of the free world seem more concerned with corporate profit than the lives of their children.

A disease is upon us.

A spiritual disease and a physical disease.

And it is the physical disease, the virus covid-19, the imminent threat of bodily death, that is causing us to change our actions. We are sharpening our senses. We are becoming more aware of who and what is around us. We are paying attention.

As schools shut down and people are asked to work from home, as our regular stream of entertainments and gatherings are cancelled and derailed, we will spend more time alone.

We might start to spend more time on social media. Or, we might start to spend more time with ourselves.

We might start that meditation practice we’ve been wanting to try, or deepen one we’ve already begun.

We might finally have time to journal, start a novel, draw, knit, cook, study.

Sure, we might binge-watch Netflix. But we might not.

We might feel isolated and disconnected from each other. We may also become acutely aware of our interconnectedness, our vulnerability, and our reliance on each other.

In the quietness of our slowed down, distraction-less time, we may feel a call to unplug from the man-made inter-web and tap in to the deeper, older, energetic inter-web that connects us all, all life on earth, including humans.

Observational science has shown our rational minds, what sensitive perceivers have never lost touch with: on a fundamental level, there is no such thing as separateness. We are never really alone.

Timothy Leary famously suggested that we “turn on, tune in, and drop out”. Well now the dropping out part is happening for us, a disengagement from the routines of conventional life. Perhaps we can follow the sequence in reverse. After “dropping out” we have time and space to “tune in” to our deeper selves, our feeling states and our deeper sense of knowing. Once we are reconnected and rooted into that rich and fertile ground of Being, we can “turn on” our capacity to actively live our lives from that place of renewed clarity about our soul’s true desires.

Consider that there is an entire industry devoted to offering people the experience of quiet solitude for reflection and restoration. And now, at this moment in time, that space is being created for us. Use it. Don’t waste it being stressed out. Stress is bad for the immune system anyway.

Embrace the retreat.

Find ways to rest.

Prepare to come back renewed.

